Friday, September 11, 2015

It's 7:00 pm, I'm in bed really wanting to go to sleep but my brain does not want to shut down. The dog cost me $130 and we are still not sure what is going on. I did tell my daughter that she would have to pay half of the bill. I am just wanting her to understand that animals are more than just love and cuddles and having fun. They can cost a lot of money. I'm trying to teach her how to budget her money so that she is always saving for a long term, short term and a reserve fund in case of emergencies. I just am wanting her to do better than the others.

My husband and I have struggled with this for a long time and we are finally getting a handle on things and I just want to give her a good foundation to go on. She is a Junior this year and I think I need to sit down with a councilor to find out when she should be looking for scholarships and grants for college.

Getting through the rest of the month will be a major accomplishment, with my parents 50th Anniversary party coming up, and looking at possibly striking at work is just starting to get to me. Trying to give it to God but man it seems to always be in the back of my head.

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